Monday, April 19, 2010

Greetings from the mile high bloggers club.

Had a great time in Cali for the Coachella fest. Got to see friends, hang out, see good music; you will not hear ANY complaints from me. I'm blessed and in realizing that it makes everything else easier to deal with. However I do have a lot of work to do spiritually, mentally, emotionaly, and physically. So back into the cocoon I go, with a clear mind, and a full stomach.

Yeeeeaaahhh so you know how when you are on vacay you eat like well... like you have no home training? I'll be kicking my ass for that later. The upside to eating/drinking at outdoor festivals is that you are 1. moving around a lot. 2. you do A LOT of walking. 3. You're in the sun. So basically you burn off a good portion of the food and all of the alcohol. Besides, I drink responsibly, and stay hydrated while doing so, annnnnnd take noagin *wink*. So other than being tired from lack of sleep, no hangover.

That's all for now folks, talk to you soon!

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

Monday, April 12, 2010

Having a cup of coffee? Put down that cheeseburger.

Under normal circumstances, I do not eat anything with my morning/early afternoon cup of coffee, which is usually what I start my day with. I also usually do not eat for several hours after I first wake up. So today, for some odd reason I got the remarkably BRILLIANT idea, while drinking my coffee, that I wanted a swiss burger. No bread, I don't eat carbs or sugar when dieting.

Great idea right? WRONG. So I'm drinking my coffee and grilling my burger, then eating my burger, then finished off my coffee....

Several minutes later I'm sitting in front of my computer and my vision starts to get fuzzy, you know how when you get dizzy you start to see stars stripes and elephants? (At least when I used to have dizzy spells when I was 5 mos pregnant with my daughter, I did.) Well that's what I started seeing. And I'm sitting there thinking... WTH????? What's the matter with me? Why am I feeling dizzy?

If you're clueless as to why my eating a cheeseburger while drinking my large cup of coffee would make me dizzy, read this:

Yes that's right, those folks at Biodrux KNOW what they are talking about! Basically that wonderful cup of coffee you're drinking will give you energy, but if you're drinking it with your meal it will leech your iron and block you from absorbing the nutrients in that cheeseburger. And you might pass out....

Unless you have some tao salt and noagin on hand, which zaps that nasty side effect almost immediately. Whew!

Also, technically speaking you probably won't get all of the iron out of that cheeseburger... if you eat it with cheese. Dairy blocks iron absorption as well, which is another reason I don't eat anything until 2 or so hours after I've had my coffee. Because while I do not eat sugar, I do use cream in my coffee, and if I eat something meaty, well, not only do I not get the iron but apparently I might risk giving myself a nasty headache.

Honestly I don't know what got into me, but I can honestly tell you that now I FULLY understand why tea time is tea time and not meal time. Crumpets and scones aside.


Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati