Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sex, Celibacy, and Sexuality

I'm going to share something with all of you, that you may or may not know about me:

I've been sex free for a while now... erm.... like as in years. Why? Personal reasons that are well... personal. No, there's nothing wrong with me, I just made a choice not to have sex. Which would seem odd to anyone who knows me, because I talk about sex a lot, and well.... I love sex, sex is great.... I'm just not having any. And I'm okay with that, for the moment. There are times when I think about going off my no sex sabbatical.... but um.. honestly? There's NOTHING here that is of any interest to my vagina.

I can also tell you that I have absolutely NO hang ups about sex or sexuality, and I don't have problems talking about it either, nor do I think anyone should. I can say that the more judgmental beings on this planet, and the excessively religious, look down on discussing sex and sexuality so freely, and automatically equate women who openly discus sex, with being easy, whorish... insert insult here: _______ I've been called many a name in the past, it really doesn't phase me.

It's really sad actually, that people still feel this way, but it isn't going to stop me from discussing sex, and/or sexuality, and/or the fact that I think penises are neat. And if me discussing sex so openly makes me a whore, well then I'm a failure as a whore for the simple fact that, as stated above, ain't nothin goin on in my love tunnel.

Not counting masturbation.

*shocked gasps of horror*

Listen people, anyone who tells you they don't masturbate is either lying, or well, possibly they don't do so for spiritual reasons, but for the most part, there are quite a few people who turn their noses at the word, but when they're home alone their hands aren't exactly above the mason dixon line if you know what I'm saying.

There's nothing wrong with it, there is nothing wrong with doing it, and there is nothing wrong with NOT doing it either. But people who do engage in self love are not all freaks, perverts, etc. It could be that they just like sex and like getting off and hell, since when is getting off, a crime, and according to whom????

I'm not religious in any capacity, but I am spiritual, therefore I don't buy into the whole, sex and masturbation are filthy horrible things and if you masturbate you're going to hell. Really? Okay well then save me a front seat, I'll be back in 20 minutes; 10 if I've got Mr. Happy on high speed.

Does my talk of masturbation and sex disgust you? Awww well poor you, guess what? Don't read it then, if it disgusts you. The same people that are sooooo disgusted would probably be surprised to know that there are quite a few women that like porn. Porn is not just for men, you know. I'm no prude, I think porn is great, and I also think that some women think about sex more than men do. Don't believe me? Just ask.

And to the men (and some of you women), don't be so gosh darned mortified and shocked to hear a woman talking about sex. Seriously, get over it. And calling us names to make yourself feel better isn't really going to help much. At the end of the day I'm still going to be me, and you will still be you, why not enjoy the diversity instead of trying to convert everyone to your way of thinking? Like I've said before, I'm not trying to convert anyone, I'm just speaking my mind, you can take it any way you choose to, and how you take it, at the end of the day, is really not my concern.

Oh and yes, I hope you're sitting down... I'm a mother. Shocker! A mother with a whorish mouth to boot, God Save The Queen! So what would I say to my daughter if she read one of my blogs? Sex is a part of life, nothing to be ashamed or afraid of, ultimately when you get older you'll be faced with choices regarding sex, be wise, be safe, and don't do anything you aren't okay with doing, and keyword: OLDER!

I know a lot of parents are mortified at the thought of their precious child growing up and eventually discovering sex. I hate to break the news to you, but at some point it will happen; yes even I have issues thinking about it, but I have to deal with it just like any other parent. My advice? If your child asks you about sex, just tell them. Children are smarter than we give them credit for. Just because you talk to your child about sex does not mean they are going to run out and have sex after hearing about it. Talking to your kids about sex seems to be a topic that NOBODY wants to talk about; everyone wants to stick their head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. That's a pretty sucky mode of thinking if you ask me.

It is my humble opinion that if you have a healthy attitude about sex, healthy meaning positive, then your children will too. And if you have a good relationship with your kids, then this is something you'll be able to talk about with them. But for crying out loud folks, this isn't the dark ages, sex isn't dirty... well it can be and there is a good kind of dirty... but let's talk about that later. I like penis, I like MY vagina, and if my daughter ever asks me what a penis is, I'll tell her that it's how she got into this world (before she came out of my vagina). Ooohhhh more shocking scandal. So enjoy yourselves folks, have sex, or don't; masturbate, or don't; live your life.

The quality of the company is more important than what your house looks like.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and what I mean by it basically is this: If I want to spend time with someone, chances are I won't care if you don't live in a mansion, don't have a maid, and your living quarters are humble.

Truth be told, I don't live in a mansion, there is no maid service here, and quite honestly I like staying at home when there's naught else to do. I know a lot of us worry about having company when our house isn't clean, or WE don't think it's clean. Chances are your best friend isn't going to care if your house isn't spotless, and a good friend will probably help you clean up as well.

Mandy blogged about this a long time ago.... where is that blog Mandy? Anyway, I was thinking about it, and her :) and just wanted to say... hey... I don't care if you live in a one room apt. or a mansion; if the quality of the company is good, it doesn't matter what the room space looks like.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The most passionate, emotionally expressive women ethnicity/nationality wise?

According to one of my inet buddies, Korean women are the most passionate, crazy, toughest women on earth. I cannot validate this, because I'm not Korean, but I can give you my top list of who I think are the most passionate, volatile, tough, fiery, tempermental, women, by nationality, if you really want to know. Keep in mind this is from my personal experience, you don't have to agree with it.

At the top of the list? West Indian, Jamaican, and Latina women. I say this because I know from experience, and because about a quarter or so of my family is from the west indies, and I can tell you that we have bad tempers, but we are also passionate lovers.

Specifically women from the islands, and from Spanish speaking areas, are/can be very passionate, in some instances possessive, and God help you if you piss them off. As for West Indian women? Well, when we're mad we like to throw things. I won't lie to you, I've broken a few items that got hulk smashed when I lost my temper; one of which was aimed at someone's head, and if you want to hear the rest of that story you'll have to message me.

African American women are also known for being erm... passionate, to say the least. Being that I am one, and my mother is as well, I can also tell you that I probably got part of my temper from her, and the other part of my temper from my paternal grandmother, god rest her soul. Keep in mind that all black women are not loud, obnoxious, ignorant females with bad attitudes, contrary to the popular stereotyping we get labeled with, and the foolishness you see on Jerry Springer and Maury. Some of us are quiet, shy, know how to mind our own business and keep to ourselves.... but don't piss us off.

So what does that mean to you guys out there that were thinking about dating women of color? It means be smart, use your brain, and be mindful of what you say to us and how you treat us. If you're intelligent enough to avoid having anything hurled directly at your noggin, you'll be fine.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

2010 Welcoming Committee: Bring your mind, but make sure it's open.

There are a lot of things I do not discuss in blogs or other public forums, or even with my own family, because a lot of people are not mentally prepared or "ready" for truth and knowledge. There are, of course, also things I don't discuss because, well... they are personal! Keep in mind I discuss a lot, but not everything.

I tend to stay away from getting into heated debates with people over religion, or any damn thing really, because I believe that two people should be able to state their opinions without fighting. Everyone doesn't have to agree, the world might be boring if we all did, and with that said....

I will be blogging in the future on a lot of stuff, health related, spiritual... I don't do religion; if asked, I will tell you how I feel about religion as a whole, but I don't debate, and you aren't going to make me "see things your way" just because you think your way is the right way. But if you ask me I'll tell you.

While I won't ask anyone to change who they are, I will ask that you keep an open mind if you're going to be reading any of my blogs, and realize that there are a small percentage of us, who don't see the world the way the rest of the population does. Frankly don't look at that statement as an insult, either. That small percentage has been growing. I believe that everyone is intelligent on different levels, so I would never belittle anyone's mental capacity, but to stay on the subject, what I'm asking of my oh.... 5 readers (ROFLMBAO!!!), is to bring an open mind, and stay a while.

Blogging for me is very personal, but at the same time, this is a public blog, so... it's also a way to reach people, and of course with exposure, you're going to get all kinds, and that's fine. Hopefully people will take away something positive from reading my "thoughts", and if not? Oh well... can't please everyone.

Also keep in mind that I'm a fairly laid back, peace loving, easy going girl.... but even I have my moments. And those moments can range from emotional to evil spawn of Hades. If I'm pissed off, you'll probably know about it... and pretty quickly. Hey, I'm not perfect, but I'm cool, so long as you're cool, and you're respectful, the same will be returned.

The most important message I have for you all in this blog, is that I'm here to learn, just like everyone else, and I don't claim to know everything, but what I do know, is what I talk about. Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Half In, Half Out

Half in, half out is a terminology I use to describe when you are in that half asleep/half awake stage of sleep, right before you completely knock out. I have had several half in, half out, experiences while drifting off to sleep; I forget which stage of sleep that is but it is usually when your body is most relaxed and your "other" senses are more open to reception of things that you normally would not be when fully awake.

It is usually at this time when I hear things that I normally would not hear if I were awake. Now here's the disclaimer: If you don't believe in ESP, psychic ability, ghosts, the ability to hear spirits, lions tigers and bears, then this blog probably won't be for you. Now let's move on...

In the past few years it's happened to me more often, or at least I have been more aware of it, if it has happened in the past. Ever started falling asleep and heard someone clear as day, call your name? Like when you were alone? Bingo. It will usually be my name, or a word, or a voice, and on occasion I've heard something that can only be described as a completely different language.

And as I've stated before, I'm usually half in, half out, when it happens. On rare occasions it will happen as I am waking up, but it's usually when I'm falling asleep. I also have very vivid dreams and can sometimes control my dreams, but those instances are few and far between, and I don't remember the majority of my dreams, but when I do, there's usually a reason.

In my case, there are things that happen that are experienced that cannot be put into words, because there just aren't words for the experiences themselves and the emotions directly linked to them. But that does not make them any less real.

Some people can hear/see/feel things that are not of this world, or "plane" but they are definitely real. Just because you can't see those other planes doesn't mean they don't exist. There are places the spirit can go, that the body cannot; it's also the reason people experience deja vu and remember places they've never been before. And time travel is very much real, and you DON'T need a special machine to leap frog.

Just because you can't see spirits, doesn't mean they aren't there. Some things aren't meant to be seen with your eyes, and you have 6 (notice I didn't say 5) senses for a reason. Learn to use them properly, don't be afraid to connect to the source. Hint: Exercising that sixth sense is one of the most important parts of manifesting/loa/creating.

And I know... some people don't like the word "manifest" because it's a popular word these days.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thoughts Become Things

For anyone wondering, or skeptical about LOA (The Law of Attraction), and manifesting in general, please allow me to break it down for you in a simple, condensed form.

Basically you are what you think, and what you think, and what you focus on, has a profound effect on your reality. Whether you realize that it does or not. You manifest everyday, whether you are aware that you are, or whether you have no clue what LOA or manifesting is, it is very much real, and how you feel about anything and everything, affects your reality.

Do you ever notice that people who are seemingly miserable, always complaining, etc. seem to get more of the same? Do you wonder why? Refer to the above, but I won't leave you hanging either; when you focus on negativity, and what you don't have, and how suckass your life is, or how much you hate something or someone, well... you will attract more of that to you.

It is the reason why I constantly have to "check myself", because if I don't someone else will, or... worse yet, I'd be trapped in a reality that I did not care for.

For some manifesting can seem complicated, but it's really not, and the more you do it, the easier it becomes, especially once you accept the fact that 1. You've been doing it all along, and 2. You are responsible for your current state and your current reality.

And for some accepting that they are responsible for their own reality, is a hard pill to swallow. And yes, this can and does include your health. But I won't get into that right now. I'll keep it simple. Basically, just as you are responsible for your actions, your words, your feelings, you are responsible also for your reality.

Meaning, if you are currently unhappy with your life in its present state, you are the only one who can do something about it. And to go even further, guess what? (And this is the part that most people, unless you're an advanced thinker, don't like hearing/reading) You asked for this reality. In otherwords you put yourself where you are, so if you're not happy, the only person you have to blame is you.

Now some may think that's bullshit, or disagree and say "I didn't ask for this?", oh but you indeed did ask for it. You may not have specifically said the words, but whatever you were focused on heavily, or thinking about, put you where you are.

This is also the exact..... EXACT same reason, that successful people are successful. FOCUS.

It is the reason why I'm happier now than I was 2, 3, 4 years ago. Yes I still have moments where I'm sad and upset, but even these moments can, with active doing (notice I don't say practice, you don't learn shit by practicing, you learn by doing), be banished in exchange for a more peaceful state.

Meditation is also a huge part of manifesting, and yes if you read The Secret they touched on everything I'm telling you now, but they did not go into depth, and The Secret is not the be all, end all book of manifesting. In short, you can't manifest well, and quickly, if you've got a cluttered burned out mind. And your mind is the most important tool to manifesting, which leads to a healthier everything else. If you don't believe me, then do some research and see for yourself. Better yet, do your own meditating. Mental and spiritual health coincides with a healthy physical realm, and the three go hand in hand. No matter what your religion or spiritual beliefs, this is not a bunch of bullhockey, they go hand in hand.

A persons mental health is probably also one of the biggest issues or subjects that gets overlooked. It is the reason you hear people talking about taking mental health days, which I firmly believe in; it's the reason stress has a physical effect on your well being, and if you don't believe that stress can kill you, or shut down your internal organs, you'd better think again.

With that said, please people, take care of your mind, take care of your body, and take care of your spirit, because they take care of you. Even if you don't believe in God, a higher power, ghosts and goblins, aliens, whatever, you should still take care of these three things.

As for meditation and manifesting, start yourself out slowly, don't attempt to do everything at once or you'll get overwhelmed, which would defeat the purpose. You can start by simply sitting quietly for a few minutes in a quiet comfortable area... broom closet, doesn't matter. And then move from there. If you've never meditated before try closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing for a few seconds. After a while of doing this you might find that you are able to meditate for longer. As for the manifesting, you don't have to do anything fancy, just focus on your thoughts, check in with yourself periodically during the day, and if you do have negative thoughts, don't freak out about it, but if you do catch yourself, just focus your attention on something else until you're off the subject of negativity alltogether.

I do not endorse or promote anyone in particular as far as what books on meditating or LOA you should check out, I can only tell you what I've read and what's helped me, so if you want THAT information you can contact me privately. I choose not to discuss my sources as some of them are personal.

Happy reading and have a kickass day!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My thoughts on Lady Bits (AKA Vagina)

I would not say I am necessarily one for labels, I don't consider myself to be bi, making out with a girl once during spin the bottle does not constitute someone as bisexual. Adventurous maybe, but not bi. But I can say that I appreciate the human form whether it be male or female.

If you're a beautiful woman I appreciate you, and trust me, I have several lady friends that I think are absolutely gorgeous inside and out, and I know quite a few men who's physiques I admire. But this blog is really all about vaginas.

I do believe there is such a thing as a pretty pussy, with that said I think that a vagina is a vagina in the sense that they all pretty much do the same thing (unless you were not born a woman and had a sex change op), they birth babies, they bleed for the most part, once a month, and uh..... vaginas have feelings.

And sometimes those feelings get the rest of the vag's connected parts into a whole lot of damn trouble. Especially when either A. another vagina is involved or B. a penis is involved.

So.... I tip my hat to vaginas, because P.O.P. is the real deal, and the pussy definitely has power. But ladies, please remember to take care of your lady bits. If you take care of your lady bits, your lady bits will take care of you. And as far as the pretty pussy goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I personally like mine, and I've also seen some that were nice as well.

I'm going to shutup now.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How weight loss companies make their money (and rip you off)

I was online the other day and saw an ad that said: I lost 25 lbs in 17 weeks. 17 weeks???

Let's do the math:

There are roughly 4 or so weeks in a month. 17 divided by 4 is roughly 4 (4x4 is 16), so basically you can lose 25 lbs in months on this diet plan at the rate of 6.25 lbs a month.


That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life. And it is because a lot of consumers don't know any better, that these idiots are making their money, ripping people off who genuinely want to lose weight, but are unaware of their options.

It does not take 4 months to drop 25lbs, it doesn't even take 3 months.... or even two. You can lose 25lbs in a month, and you can do it safely without harming your body. And all these people that tell you rapid weight loss is dangerous, are obviously not aware of how the human body works.

If you put on excess weight and change your diet, your body will automatically shed water weight first and then fat, and it will do so rather quickly, because when your system is working as it should, it will cleanse itself and get rid of fat and toxins that the body does not need. This is also the reason that persons with more weight to lose, lose those first 30 or so pounds so quickly. If you stick to your diet, the more weight you have to lose, the faster it will come off.

Now if you're like me and ONLY have 20-30 lbs to lose, then the weight may take a little longer to come off. But what I'm trying to tell all of you, is that you can lose 25 lbs, in 4-6 weeks, without hurting yourself. I took one look at that ad and thought: Well gee, if I can lose 10-12 lbs in 2 weeks, then that makes absolutely no sense.

So now you're probably wondering okay, if you can lose weight so fast then how do you go about doing it? 1st of all, cancel your subscription to weight watchers and Jenny Craig. You can lose weight and do so without paying someone else to help you.

Weight loss is simple, all you have to do, is cut out all sugar, starches, breads, pastas, rice, sweets, and eat either a low carb, high protein diet, or, if that is not for you, eat fresh vegetables, especially veggies high in iron and calcium ie: fresh leafy greens. OR Eat a combination of high protein and fresh green veggies. Stay away from fruit because fruit has sugar in it. Stay away from starchy veggies. And not only that, but if you do a protein/green veggie diet, you can make food for yourself that you would actually want to eat. You can eat eggs, fish, chicken, steak, salads, stirfry; and what people also don't realize is that there are a TON of recipes that are low in carbs and include fresh vegetables.

And the reason people lose weight so quickly on low carb diets? Sugar and starches make you bloated, thus retaining water, and of course whatever your body doesn't use as energy gets converted to fat. Another thing you have to watch out for: salt. Not just any salt, table salt.

THROW IT AWAY!!!!! Table salt is not only bad for you, but it may be one of the reasons you feel so bloated and retain so much water. Buy sea salt or kosher salt, which actually have cleansing properties that table salt does not, and will not make you bloated. As for sugar, you honestly don't need it, it serves no real nutritional purpose, and if you think about it, humans got all the sugar they needed from foods where sugar occurs naturally. Why do you think diabetes is such an epidemic now? Do you really think it has nothing to do with the shitty american diet? Think again.

Now don't get me wrong, I love sugar, bread, pizza, chocolate, sweets, etc. I'm not going to lie to you about that, but I've had the best results on low carb diets. Now, if you are a vegetarian and do not eat animal protein at all, you can still do low carb, because most leafy vegetables are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, so for you it's a win/win situation.

Furthermore, don't get me started on prepackaged foods. No matter what anyone tells you, prepackaged meals are one of the worst things you can eat, and many of them have ingredients you wouldn't want in your body if you knew what they did to you. So please, stop giving your money to diet programs, and simply revamp your fridge/cupboards. It will require more discipline to do it yourself, and also, be prepared to do it ALONE.

Another reason diets fail is because people make the mistake of thinking that their friends and family will fully support their diet, but what they don't realize, is that your fam and friends aren't the ones dieting, so they could give two shits if you come over and they're having cake, ice cream and pizza, and you can't have any, and if you cave in and have some, they aren't going to stop you, and then you go home angry with yourself because you ate something that wasn't on your diet.

If you want your diet to be successful, quite simply, avoid all or most human contact. I'm not trying to be funny either; eat alone, and cut off your friends and family for a while and put you and your well being first. If you're serious about losing weight, they won't have any choice but to understand, and if they don't and give you shit for it, then they probably aren't the type of people you want to hang around with anyway. Actually this goes for anything in life: If you really want to be successful at something, keep it to yourself, and be prepared to do it alone. Unless you have one of those rare families that will support any and everything you do, keep your business to yourself and do you. Because in order to be successful, you have to also be selfish.

Some may not agree with that statement, but think about it. If you give something you really want, 100% of your focus, you will get there a hell of a lot faster than if you're distracted by trying to please everybody else. YOU are responsible for YOUR well being. And sometimes being alone isn't about being lonely, it's about getting shit done. So if you spend less time worrying about pissing people off, you'll be a lot better off.

And that's my two cents based on life experience. Your feedback is always welcome, but be prepared I'm sassy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Black Hole of Anal Despair

Do you suffer from deeply pigmented genitalia? Is your starfish a little darker than it's cheeky counterparts? Are those petals of love losing their lovely pink glow? Are the twig n berries needing some highlights? Well guess what? Now there's something you can do about it.

It's called anal bleaching, or in the case of non anal, genital bleaching. Yes this is a real procedure, and if you live in Cali chances are you can find someone who specializes in genitalia lightening. However, if you can't find anyone in your area to bleach your cookies, you can order the stuff directly to your home and do the deed yourself.

Apparently anal bleaching is very popular among porn stars who wanted to have a sparkling white hole, or just wanted their goodies to match the surrounding skin and be even toned, especially since those "goodies" would be on camera for all the world to see, up close and personal.

But I guess now some of us regular folks want to have pretty assholes too. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. Some women/men are self conscious about ALL aspects of their physical appearance, and want to look their best when bending over and grabbing their ankles. Perfectly fine. Personally speaking, without being TMI, I'm good thanks. I mean I realize that everyone's parts look different, some darker than others in terms of contrast to the rest of their skin color, some have perfectly even toned parts and probably have some of the most er... pleasing to the eye penises and vaginas I've ever seen; but honestly I think that sort of thing is for the complete self centered narcissist. If everything is going great for you and your genitals just happen to be darker than the rest of you, newsflash: That's normal. Quite a few men and women have whoo hoos that are darker than the rest of them, and most of the men I know don't normally care too much what color your cat is so long as you exercise proper hygeine and landscaping maintenance. And most women don't mind weiner shades either, so long as you men wash your freaking balls.

So my take on anal/genital bleaching? If you want to do it, go for it; if you're happy with your dark penis or vajayjay, then don't do it.

And just so you don't think I'm bullshitting you, here's some vids. Have a laugh on me.

Friday, July 31, 2009

I've Got Dreams To Remember

Last night I dreamt me and another person turned into wolves. Therefore I am changing my name to "Runs With Wolves", because literally that's what I was doing, and there were several of them. They were not aggressive, didn't try to attack me, they just growled and barked and howled a lot.

The dream continued and a native american man appeared in the dream wearing a full headdress and we proceeded to have a full on conversation about the spirit world and all things me. If you know me, you know that many of my dreams have prophetic value and on occasion I wake up in other peoples homes (I'll explain that some other time). I haven't the slightest idea why I dream the way I do, and why from time to time I have deja vu involving places I dream about that I'd never been to, and well... I end up in these places and remember them from my dreams when I see them.

Some say that dreams are the gateway to the subconscious, the gateway to the spirit world, the astral plane, or maybe all of the above. I do believe that dreams have a lot to do with our subconscious and what's going on in our lives, and I also believe that our lives and our subconscious are directly linked to the non physical. Of course depending on what you've been brought up to believe, this may be total bullhockey to you; but based on my own experience it's very much a part of my life.

In regards to dreams, depending on the dream and how tired I am, I'd say about 80% give or take, of my dreams, I don't remember. I will remember bits and pieces most of the time, but it's rare that I remember a full dream, and when I do remember a full dream, or a large chunk of a dream, it's usually something I pay attention to.

That's it really, just wanted to blog about my dream because it was a unique one for me. See you on the other side.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free Trial Gets Got

I'm sure a lot of you have seen those free trials for everything from diet pills to herbal health supplements, where you get a 2-4 (14 to 30 day) trial of a product, and if you like it you keep it and they send you more and bill you.

I've done a few of those, okay I've done several of them, and for the most part I can tell you that most of the products are not worth the 70+ dollars they try to bill you for after you place the order. I can also tell you that in some cases they start billing you before your order has even arrived. Yes the order does get to you, but it can take up to two weeks for them to ship your order, so by the time you get it, your free trial is up.

It's a bogus load of bullshit. First of all, if you're going to offer a free trial, the trial should start AFTER the order has been received, not after you place the order, and if it's a 30 day trial, you shouldn't start billing someone's cc after 2 weeks.

These companies are ripping people off, oh and the best? Most of these products are worth maybe 20.00 a bottle at the most. So why are they billing people over 70 to 80.00 a bottle, or 80 per 2 bottles (which still is not worth it)?

I am in and of the mind that if something says free trial, then it should be just that, free. And because I'm a crafty woman, I have gotten most of my trial products, for no more than the shipping I paid for them. You see, in the trial deals, they say you pay nothing but around 5.00 for shipping, so that's what I pay for, and not a damn dime more.

And I can tell you that most of these companies probably hate my guts.

Here's my advice, if you want to try out one of those free trials? Don't use a major credit card. That's number one. I would tell you what kind of CC to use but that would be letting the cat out of the bag.

My other advice is, DO NOT get any of the acai berry or resveratrol trials. Most of them are made with fillers and some of the supplements are made with caffeine in them to give them that potent kick. Do not get any acai supplements made from "extract" because they don't work. If you get acai berry get it in powdered form in capsules made from the whole berry and make sure they do not contain seeds. The powdered berry caps sell for around 20-30.00 and there are a few co's that make the pure acai pulp powder capsules, and a powder for making smoothies if you don't want the capsules.

As for resveratrol, same thing, if you buy it make sure it contains no fillers, Res V costs around 30.00 a bottle, so far I've seen two reputable co's that make the stuff that seem legit, the rest are iffy and most are offering the bogus free trial and do not offer a lot information. In my experience, and this is my advice to anyone: If a co. cannot tell you what's in the bottle, don't buy it. Point blank. I don't trust any co. that tries to sell you something and nowhere on the website are the ingredients listed.

Other products I've gotten free trials of that work? Aside from Acai and ResV which I said NOT to get from a free trial co. there are a few legit companies offering free trials. One is Juvenon, which makes resV, and honestly that's the only legit company that I've seen so far.

So there's my free trial story for the day. Stay away from free trials for Acai and ResV, if you would like more info on which sites sell the legitimate supplements you guys know where to find me, I don't work for these people so I'm not about to start advertising.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Orleans and The Vagina Monologues - A Brazilian Experience

I am no longer a brazilian bikini wax virgin. Hell I'm no longer a bikini wax virgin. I went all the way out and did the unthinkable, and waxed an area that had never been waxed before.

So what was it like? Uh.... honestly? It hurt. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that my first brazilian bikini wax experience was anything but painful. I'll put it to you like this: As I had been forewarned by others, everyone's experience is different, everyone's skin is not the same, hair is not the same, threshold for pain is not the same; but the first time - I have been told - is the worst in regards to discomfort.

But I took it like a trooper, closed my eyes, and let a complete stranger handle the goods down south. Yeah... I flinched a few times, but like I said, I was a very good, calm, first timer. There was no screaming, no YEEEOOOOOWWWWWing, and a few times during the procedure I managed to have an out of body experienced that helped me get through it. It always helps when you can mentally go to your happy place while in a compromising and uncomfortable position.

Some spots were uh... more "ouchy" than others, but the end result? FABULOUS! I don't have to shave anything, no extra maintenance required, and my cat was a happy one. All in all I was more nervous about showing a complete stranger my china cabinet, than I was about getting it done.

So you're probably wondering, will I do it again? OF COURSE! Mind you I'll have to find someone locally to go to, but I'm all for repeating the experience. The spa I went to in New Orleans was a very nice one, don't ask me what the name of it was, it was inside a hotel and honestly I don't remember, I just remember it was near where I was staying and within walking distance.

And what about the rest of my New Orleans experience? I LOVED IT!!!! NOLA is going on my favorite cities list. My favorite cities so far being New York (okay so I'm biased cuz I'm actually from there), Vegas, the L.A. and surrounding area, can you tell I like BUSY cities? What gave it away? We won't talk about my least favorite cities, I actually only have one on that list, let's not go there, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

I'm not going to go into full detail about my trip because if you're on the other site you've already read about it, but for those wondering, I had to blog about all things Brazilian because I had promised to do so. Hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

In all fairness - and I really am all about fairness - MJ had a rough life. Granted he could have turned it around and changed certain things, but when you snatch someone out of their childhood, rob them of having a childhood, and stick them into the limelight at such a young age, what you get is what you get.

I don't think it was fair. I mean yes, both he and Janet are two of the most successful stars in the entertainment business and have had a long running; The Jacksons were very successful as a group. But at what price?

MJ had a lot of demons, but you can never say that man didn't have talent, he had more than talent, and it's sad to see someone so misunderstood and so talented being constantly bashed and mocked by the media. I don't think he deserved all of that. Yeah we all know about the negative stories we've heard, but honestly who really has a right to say who or what he is?

I think it's time for all of us to take a step back and think about the fact that, a lot of us do from time to time get caught up in an artist personal life, and we get the personal mixed up with the public. And we also seem to forget that while they are in the public eye a lot, these people do have private lives, personal lives, and as a human being we do not have the right to interfere with that.

How would you feel if it was you who's personal life was constantly invaded and you couldn't go anywhere without getting your picture taken, unless you went somewhere desolate and devoid of media implants? Some say that once you become famous, your life belongs to everyone else. I disagree. No matter where you are in life, your life belongs to you. And ultimately you are the only person that YOU have to answer to.

If MJ had decided he was done with showbiz and wanted to live out the rest of his life as a recluse, and stay home and raise his kids, I don't think I would blame him one bit. I think he wanted what anybody wants, to be happy, to be around people he cared for and vice versa; I just don't think he had the right outlets around him when he was younger, and being so young and constantly in the spotlight, that can take its toll on a person. We all need private time, alone time, time to reconnect. Maybe now he finally has that, and his spirit can be at peace.

His music will always be with us. And for his talent, his gift, and his music, I thank him. I grew up listening to his music and his music was a huge part of my childhood. He is truly an artist I will never forget.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life and Death

Yesterday I celebrated the 9th birthday of my only child. Directly after that, at about midnight, I found out that someone had passed away. This is someone I had grown up knowing all through highschool, and she'd been like a second grandmother to me; especially since one of my grandmothers died when I was a baby, and the other passed on when I was still in highschool.

So you can imagine how eerie that feels, to celebrate life and have a death right behind it. Granted yes, life and death happen everyday, and it's a part of life, but when it's someone you know, or someone you're close to, it sets a really eerie tone. That whole circle of life deal.

Of course, when someone passes you also celebrate their life, and you do your best to focus on the fact that they led a full life while they were in this world, and she did. She lived to see her children and grandchildren grow up, and I think that's as important as anything else.

But this also reminds me that we are all getting... well, I hate to use the word older, so I will just say that at some point, our parents and grandparents are not going to be here. It seems so selfish when you think about how you couldn't imagine life without them, because they brought you into this world, and you take for granted that they'll always be here, and you push those other thoughts out of your mind. The ones that tell you that, physically speaking, one day they won't be there.

But we are selfish aren't we? We want our parents and grandparents to live forever and always be there, and we get so caught up in the flesh that we forget about the spirit. They WILL always be there for you. You may not be able to see them, or hug them, or kiss them hello, but they don't stop being there for you just because they've left their bodies behind.

Of course yes, this sounds great, but it doesn't sound so great when your grieving. I'm not necessarily grieving per say, but I am sad that I will not see her again, in this lifetime. The last time I saw her was a couple of years ago. I am not sad, because I know she's no longer suffering. She lived through cancer, then lived through the onset of aging, and arthritis, and then cancer again. I think towards the end she was ready to move on, and I am happy that her spirit is in a better place.