Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thoughts Become Things

For anyone wondering, or skeptical about LOA (The Law of Attraction), and manifesting in general, please allow me to break it down for you in a simple, condensed form.

Basically you are what you think, and what you think, and what you focus on, has a profound effect on your reality. Whether you realize that it does or not. You manifest everyday, whether you are aware that you are, or whether you have no clue what LOA or manifesting is, it is very much real, and how you feel about anything and everything, affects your reality.

Do you ever notice that people who are seemingly miserable, always complaining, etc. seem to get more of the same? Do you wonder why? Refer to the above, but I won't leave you hanging either; when you focus on negativity, and what you don't have, and how suckass your life is, or how much you hate something or someone, well... you will attract more of that to you.

It is the reason why I constantly have to "check myself", because if I don't someone else will, or... worse yet, I'd be trapped in a reality that I did not care for.

For some manifesting can seem complicated, but it's really not, and the more you do it, the easier it becomes, especially once you accept the fact that 1. You've been doing it all along, and 2. You are responsible for your current state and your current reality.

And for some accepting that they are responsible for their own reality, is a hard pill to swallow. And yes, this can and does include your health. But I won't get into that right now. I'll keep it simple. Basically, just as you are responsible for your actions, your words, your feelings, you are responsible also for your reality.

Meaning, if you are currently unhappy with your life in its present state, you are the only one who can do something about it. And to go even further, guess what? (And this is the part that most people, unless you're an advanced thinker, don't like hearing/reading) You asked for this reality. In otherwords you put yourself where you are, so if you're not happy, the only person you have to blame is you.

Now some may think that's bullshit, or disagree and say "I didn't ask for this?", oh but you indeed did ask for it. You may not have specifically said the words, but whatever you were focused on heavily, or thinking about, put you where you are.

This is also the exact..... EXACT same reason, that successful people are successful. FOCUS.

It is the reason why I'm happier now than I was 2, 3, 4 years ago. Yes I still have moments where I'm sad and upset, but even these moments can, with active doing (notice I don't say practice, you don't learn shit by practicing, you learn by doing), be banished in exchange for a more peaceful state.

Meditation is also a huge part of manifesting, and yes if you read The Secret they touched on everything I'm telling you now, but they did not go into depth, and The Secret is not the be all, end all book of manifesting. In short, you can't manifest well, and quickly, if you've got a cluttered burned out mind. And your mind is the most important tool to manifesting, which leads to a healthier everything else. If you don't believe me, then do some research and see for yourself. Better yet, do your own meditating. Mental and spiritual health coincides with a healthy physical realm, and the three go hand in hand. No matter what your religion or spiritual beliefs, this is not a bunch of bullhockey, they go hand in hand.

A persons mental health is probably also one of the biggest issues or subjects that gets overlooked. It is the reason you hear people talking about taking mental health days, which I firmly believe in; it's the reason stress has a physical effect on your well being, and if you don't believe that stress can kill you, or shut down your internal organs, you'd better think again.

With that said, please people, take care of your mind, take care of your body, and take care of your spirit, because they take care of you. Even if you don't believe in God, a higher power, ghosts and goblins, aliens, whatever, you should still take care of these three things.

As for meditation and manifesting, start yourself out slowly, don't attempt to do everything at once or you'll get overwhelmed, which would defeat the purpose. You can start by simply sitting quietly for a few minutes in a quiet comfortable area... broom closet, doesn't matter. And then move from there. If you've never meditated before try closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing for a few seconds. After a while of doing this you might find that you are able to meditate for longer. As for the manifesting, you don't have to do anything fancy, just focus on your thoughts, check in with yourself periodically during the day, and if you do have negative thoughts, don't freak out about it, but if you do catch yourself, just focus your attention on something else until you're off the subject of negativity alltogether.

I do not endorse or promote anyone in particular as far as what books on meditating or LOA you should check out, I can only tell you what I've read and what's helped me, so if you want THAT information you can contact me privately. I choose not to discuss my sources as some of them are personal.

Happy reading and have a kickass day!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing arguable there, but it's hard to lift the fog of blackness. Nice to remind yourself that you're the obstacle, not some external force.
