Monday, February 15, 2010





Coming to a TV near you.

While I might not jump out of your TV any time soon, I am kind of beginning to feel like a Cullen:


NO. I don't twinkle in the sunlight. But I do sleep a lot less. And I'm not tired. As of late and for health reasons I've invested in some products by a company named JBNI, one of those being tao salt, and I can vouch for their effectiveness. I don't get sick, and if and when I do drink, I don't get hangovers. The products are that good. They are not drugs, there are zero side effects, and their products are great for people who don't necessarily want to be doped up on prescription medication for the rest of their lives.

I'm not a doctor, nor am I a scientist (okay maybe on the weekends), but I can tell you the stuff works. Serenadin is the herbal equivalent of xanax, and will knock you out, and quickly, if you desperately want to get some shut eye. Black Garlic? Not only will it give you a nice buzz, but you won't catch a cold or the flu if you have it in your system, AND, if you do start to get sick, this stuff will knock out your symptoms. Noagin: I'm hooked, antioxidant, that also wipes out hangovers.

The tao salt I only recently started taking because I wanted something that would completely clean out my system and give me a thorough detox. Well you know how they say you have more energy and feel invigorated, regenerated after doing a cleanse/detox? Tao salt does all that, and not only does it give you energy, but you'll probably sleep less if you start taking it. Not because of insomnia, but because your body will be able to do, on 4 - 5 hours of sleep, what it would normally need 8-10 hours of sleep, to do, for some people... like myself, who have had issues with just being worn the hell out and feeling tired.

Again, keep in mind all of the above are products I currently use, I've seen good results so far, so for me it was a good investment. One thing very important that I need to note: With the Tao Salt, a little goes a long way, and one bottle can last up to a year depending on how much you take and how often. All you need is a pinch.

If you're curious, you can check out the website at for more information on their products. You can also call and ask them any questions you may have, or... if you have questions for me, you know where to find me!

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

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