Friday, July 31, 2009

I've Got Dreams To Remember

Last night I dreamt me and another person turned into wolves. Therefore I am changing my name to "Runs With Wolves", because literally that's what I was doing, and there were several of them. They were not aggressive, didn't try to attack me, they just growled and barked and howled a lot.

The dream continued and a native american man appeared in the dream wearing a full headdress and we proceeded to have a full on conversation about the spirit world and all things me. If you know me, you know that many of my dreams have prophetic value and on occasion I wake up in other peoples homes (I'll explain that some other time). I haven't the slightest idea why I dream the way I do, and why from time to time I have deja vu involving places I dream about that I'd never been to, and well... I end up in these places and remember them from my dreams when I see them.

Some say that dreams are the gateway to the subconscious, the gateway to the spirit world, the astral plane, or maybe all of the above. I do believe that dreams have a lot to do with our subconscious and what's going on in our lives, and I also believe that our lives and our subconscious are directly linked to the non physical. Of course depending on what you've been brought up to believe, this may be total bullhockey to you; but based on my own experience it's very much a part of my life.

In regards to dreams, depending on the dream and how tired I am, I'd say about 80% give or take, of my dreams, I don't remember. I will remember bits and pieces most of the time, but it's rare that I remember a full dream, and when I do remember a full dream, or a large chunk of a dream, it's usually something I pay attention to.

That's it really, just wanted to blog about my dream because it was a unique one for me. See you on the other side.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free Trial Gets Got

I'm sure a lot of you have seen those free trials for everything from diet pills to herbal health supplements, where you get a 2-4 (14 to 30 day) trial of a product, and if you like it you keep it and they send you more and bill you.

I've done a few of those, okay I've done several of them, and for the most part I can tell you that most of the products are not worth the 70+ dollars they try to bill you for after you place the order. I can also tell you that in some cases they start billing you before your order has even arrived. Yes the order does get to you, but it can take up to two weeks for them to ship your order, so by the time you get it, your free trial is up.

It's a bogus load of bullshit. First of all, if you're going to offer a free trial, the trial should start AFTER the order has been received, not after you place the order, and if it's a 30 day trial, you shouldn't start billing someone's cc after 2 weeks.

These companies are ripping people off, oh and the best? Most of these products are worth maybe 20.00 a bottle at the most. So why are they billing people over 70 to 80.00 a bottle, or 80 per 2 bottles (which still is not worth it)?

I am in and of the mind that if something says free trial, then it should be just that, free. And because I'm a crafty woman, I have gotten most of my trial products, for no more than the shipping I paid for them. You see, in the trial deals, they say you pay nothing but around 5.00 for shipping, so that's what I pay for, and not a damn dime more.

And I can tell you that most of these companies probably hate my guts.

Here's my advice, if you want to try out one of those free trials? Don't use a major credit card. That's number one. I would tell you what kind of CC to use but that would be letting the cat out of the bag.

My other advice is, DO NOT get any of the acai berry or resveratrol trials. Most of them are made with fillers and some of the supplements are made with caffeine in them to give them that potent kick. Do not get any acai supplements made from "extract" because they don't work. If you get acai berry get it in powdered form in capsules made from the whole berry and make sure they do not contain seeds. The powdered berry caps sell for around 20-30.00 and there are a few co's that make the pure acai pulp powder capsules, and a powder for making smoothies if you don't want the capsules.

As for resveratrol, same thing, if you buy it make sure it contains no fillers, Res V costs around 30.00 a bottle, so far I've seen two reputable co's that make the stuff that seem legit, the rest are iffy and most are offering the bogus free trial and do not offer a lot information. In my experience, and this is my advice to anyone: If a co. cannot tell you what's in the bottle, don't buy it. Point blank. I don't trust any co. that tries to sell you something and nowhere on the website are the ingredients listed.

Other products I've gotten free trials of that work? Aside from Acai and ResV which I said NOT to get from a free trial co. there are a few legit companies offering free trials. One is Juvenon, which makes resV, and honestly that's the only legit company that I've seen so far.

So there's my free trial story for the day. Stay away from free trials for Acai and ResV, if you would like more info on which sites sell the legitimate supplements you guys know where to find me, I don't work for these people so I'm not about to start advertising.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Orleans and The Vagina Monologues - A Brazilian Experience

I am no longer a brazilian bikini wax virgin. Hell I'm no longer a bikini wax virgin. I went all the way out and did the unthinkable, and waxed an area that had never been waxed before.

So what was it like? Uh.... honestly? It hurt. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that my first brazilian bikini wax experience was anything but painful. I'll put it to you like this: As I had been forewarned by others, everyone's experience is different, everyone's skin is not the same, hair is not the same, threshold for pain is not the same; but the first time - I have been told - is the worst in regards to discomfort.

But I took it like a trooper, closed my eyes, and let a complete stranger handle the goods down south. Yeah... I flinched a few times, but like I said, I was a very good, calm, first timer. There was no screaming, no YEEEOOOOOWWWWWing, and a few times during the procedure I managed to have an out of body experienced that helped me get through it. It always helps when you can mentally go to your happy place while in a compromising and uncomfortable position.

Some spots were uh... more "ouchy" than others, but the end result? FABULOUS! I don't have to shave anything, no extra maintenance required, and my cat was a happy one. All in all I was more nervous about showing a complete stranger my china cabinet, than I was about getting it done.

So you're probably wondering, will I do it again? OF COURSE! Mind you I'll have to find someone locally to go to, but I'm all for repeating the experience. The spa I went to in New Orleans was a very nice one, don't ask me what the name of it was, it was inside a hotel and honestly I don't remember, I just remember it was near where I was staying and within walking distance.

And what about the rest of my New Orleans experience? I LOVED IT!!!! NOLA is going on my favorite cities list. My favorite cities so far being New York (okay so I'm biased cuz I'm actually from there), Vegas, the L.A. and surrounding area, can you tell I like BUSY cities? What gave it away? We won't talk about my least favorite cities, I actually only have one on that list, let's not go there, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

I'm not going to go into full detail about my trip because if you're on the other site you've already read about it, but for those wondering, I had to blog about all things Brazilian because I had promised to do so. Hope you enjoyed it.