Thursday, January 28, 2010

Public Schools don't want you and your children to have options.

Some interesting information was passed on to me, via my daughters homeschool program (K12), in regards to a house and senate bill that has been intro'd in my state of residence. The bill would basically make it impossible for the program to stay in operation and they would no longer be able to provide a homeschool curriculum in my state.

The homeschool program has been very popular here and in other areas of the U.S. where it is available and there is a fairly large percentage of children in the U.S. being homeschooled (2.9% in 2007), and that percentage is growng. The reason it's growing? Please allow me to be politically incorrect for a moment and say:


I know this is a broad statement, and I am also aware that there are maybe a few good public schools left, but compared to when I was growing up, and all the budget cuts, it's gone from bad to worse. It's gotten so bad that I can tell you, in my city alone, I wasn't the only parent that pulled their child out of public school here and made the decision to homeschool. The amount of children currently homeschooled in my state is currently well over 22,000. That should tell you something.

So of course, for every child that is homeschool, that's another dollar that the public schools aren't getting. The lower the public school attendance is, the less money they get, and frankly it all boils down to MONEY. So now the public school system here is whining and crying that they are losing money because the HS program here DOES receive funding from the state, and they get paid for every child in attendance via the HS program just the same as pub. schools would. So now it's a competition, and the public schools are losing. And because they're losing, now, there are bills being passed in an attempt to shut the program down.

What you need to understand is that this is a FREE, state funded homeschool program, for children and parents who want an alternative to public school. There are private homeschool programs where you have to pay tuition as well, and of course there are also charter and private schools outside the home you can send your child to.  But quite, simply, because the program is free, and they get state funding, they are getting quite a bit of money that the public schools are not. So in a lame attempt to defend and save public schools, our house rep and senator have decided to go after the program.

What do I think about all of this? Well... considering that my daughter is doing much better in school, and considering how much I passionately loathe the public school system as a whole, I think it's a total crock. Everytime pub. schools screw up they want to blame someone else and cry wolf. So right now it's K12's fault that the public schools are failing, and shame on them, and let's shut them down because they are taking all of our money. Boo hoo.

I hate to break the news to you, but if the population of homeschoolers is growing as rapidly as it is, there's really not going to be much of anything the public school system can do about it. People will continue searching for alternatives to public schools, homeschool and even some non traditional schools are becoming very popular, and of course one of my favorite sayings: One monkey don't stop no show.Yes they will continue to try to find something wrong with homeschooling, and parents will continue to make choices beneficial to their families.

I am very happy with K12, and in the event that the fertility gods grant me permission to spawn again (snicker snicker), I will definitely consider the program for all of my children, or one similar to it. But let's not discuss that now, we can save ovary talk, for another blog.


Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

What I do when people insult me.

The very first thing you have to understand about me, is that I do not get offended easily, this is for a number of reasons, including life experience. As far as personal insults go, yeah, every once and a while something will bug me, but for the most part, I've been called everything but the kitchen sink, and I'm still here.

Furthermore if I do get upset, I rarely stay that way for long. Yes it happens, but I simply have too many things going on in my head at any given time, to remember every single insult and offense. I am very good at laughing things off, for the simple fact that most of the time when people are spewing insults at you, they are trying so hard they only end up hurting themselves, and then it's downright comical to watch. I also have to keep in mind that I've probably done my fair share of insulting people, whether purposely doing so or not, so it wouldn't be logical for someone with as foul a mouth, and blunt an opinion, as myself, to run around hollering everytime someone calls me a name. I call things the way I see them, people sometimes don't like this, that's not my problem.

In the event that something does bug me, I would like to say that I give myself time before reacting, meditate on it, and go about my business. Unfortunately... or maybe fortunately, this hasn't always been the case. I am a woman, I have my moments, I don't feel like less of a woman for having those moments.  More often than not, in cases of minor offenses, I eventually forget. About the insult and the person behind it, and eventually they no longer exist in my world, because I simply stop thinking about it, or them.

I think that's how it should be. I don't think people should walk around pissed off all the time because someone called you a name. The best retaliation for any insult as far as I'm concerned, is to not acknowledge them. You'd be surprised how quickly you stop thinking about offenses when you don't give them energy to begin with. Furthermore, what you must remember, is that if someone is insulting you, they are probably channelling some deep inner feelings about themselves that haven't been addressed. If you keep calling someone an asshole, eventually the asshole becomes you. It's all part of incurring your own karma, which is why you should be careful of the thoughts you dwell on and the words you speak. Granted, I'm not saying you won't have a day or two when you mutter a few unsavory words about a person that pissed you off, but get it out of your system, and let it go. Frankly it is healthier for you to do so, because if you're still running your trap about some nonsense that happened months ago, and everyone else has moved on with their existential paths, it is you that is going to look like the fool.

It is possible to erase your own memories, by not thinking about whatever was causing you grief, but you cannot do this with all memories... well you could, but it probably would not be safe for you to do so. Some memories are in place to keep us from getting hurt again, or making the same mistakes. It is one of the reasons I agree with NOT forgiving people. And before you object to what I just typed, to be clear, there are some things that cannot be forgiven because to do so would cause you harm. Think about it.  But getting back to the subject of this blog, get a big mental eraser, and the next time someone insults you, erase them.

It's easier than you can possibly imagine.

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

Monday, January 25, 2010

Orgasma-whu????? (Grown Folks Business)

Alright, I decided to blog about this because while it doesn't happen often, it does happen, and the female anatomy is FASCINATING to me (especially since I own one), so I decided to just go ahead and get my thoughts in blog form.

I know that different women are stimulated by different things; some women can climax just by rubbing their thighs together, others by vigorous activity, (running, aerobics, etc.)... me? Stretching. Yes I said it, stretching. I'm not talking the "when you wake up in the morning and feel the need to stretch", stretch. I'm talking the various yoga poses that stretch and tone your entire body, including your legs. And it's usually during leg stretches that the "magical moment" happens for me. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the type of climax where you fall to the floor and curl up into a ball, or the good old herbal essence "YES! YES! YES!", experience. No, it's much more subtle, but when it happens it's not a feeling that can easily be put into words.

Now I have searched the internet, and have not found much in regards to stretching in relation to orgasm, but I did find one post where the author of said post tied in orgasm, and stretching, and pleasurable experiences. Granted, yes, stretching makes you feel fantastic, and sometimes it's just what your body needs if you are tense or experiencing stress, but climaxing from a calf stretch isn't an effect most people would think of invoking.  Nevertheless, like I said, there are different things that stimulate different women, and depending on your level of sensitivity, you might be one of those women who has had "experiences", while doing your daily downward facing dog.

I have to admit, that things like this are the reason I love being a woman. Women do have the ability to climax in ways that would not be physically or outwardly noticable to anyone, not to mention inaudible. And of course, if you are in tune with your body, and know what kegels are, you probably know a few tricks that your mate doesn't even know about. And I won't even go into the whole vaginal vs. clitoral orgasm phenomenon. Yes, they are two separate things, that can sometimes be mind boggling and frustrating for women, and men.

In any event, if you have had any experiences similar to the aforementioned stimulation by stretching, I'd LOVE to hear from you. And of course, happy stretching!

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When people don't invite you to parties, take it as a compliment.

I've been thinking about this because it has happened to me before, and I'm sure it has happened to you, and if you're feeling bad about it, here's why you shouldn't feel bad at all.

There are, quite simply, only two reasons a person would not invite you out, or to a party: 1. They really don't like you. 2. You're always so busy that they just don't bother inviting you.

If the first one happens, chances are if someone doesn't like you, then you really aren't missing anything, and you honestly don't want to be somewhere you aren't wanted. If the second one happens, take it as a compliment, and don't feel slighted. Why? Well that's simple: Successful, goal oriented people spend more time working on their businesses, schoolwork, goals, passions, and achieving whatever it is they're after, by any means necessary, no matter how lengthy or painful. A lot of times a person who is passionate about something, anything, will probably spend more time on their passion than they do with their friends; in some cases friends may feel alienated or neglected, and to be honest, they shouldn't. I've also seen people lose friends because they chose to spend more time following their passion than they did hanging out and going to parties.So chances are your invite got lost in the mail, or, they just knew you were busy and didn't want to disturb you.

If you are feeling guilty for neglecting friends and family, ask yourself a simple question: Which is going to be more rewarding in the long run? Going to a party? Or working towards completion of your goals. Another thing you should know, is that, creative, passionate, business oriented people, don't sleep regular hours either. In some cases they rarely sleep at all. They don't go out drinking, they don't go to parties, because they're busy working, on whatever it is that makes them tick. So if you've got something you're passionately focused on, don't feel guilty about missing an event, there will be plenty more. Furthermore, your friends and family will appreciate it in the long run, when your hard work and passion pays off, and you are in a position to help others as well as doing something great for yourself.

There are many reasons I don't get upset over missing events, or if I do, I have enough time to think about it and realize that it's pointless wasting energy being upset over something so trivial. I am a full time single mom, part time student, I work from home, and I've currently been involved in keeping a roof over my head and food on my table, and quite frankly, I have not been in a partying mood. I'm also currently involved in getting my preverbial shit together, and keeping what's left of my dwindling sanity; there's only but so much space in my head.

So believe me, when I talk to other people in my situation, or in different situations like say, running their own business or finishing school, believe me I get it. What's a social life? I have no clue what the following year will bring, but I am grateful, as always for the experience. So do me a favor, the next time you get snubbed, take it as a compliment, it means you're focused.

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ever dislike someone and not know why?

I mean, in terms of disliking someone who has not done anything to you in any way, shape, or form. But you just didn't like them and you were scratching your head trying to figure out why you felt this way about this person?

I have, as a matter of fact the inverse of what I described above, happens to me all the time. I like someone, but I couldn't tell you what it was I like about them, what attracts me to a particular person. And I've oftentimes had the experience of disliking someone and not understanding why, really.  It has caused me to ponder what makes people tick, and I've come to my own conclusion about this, so I'm going to share my thoughts with you.

Personally I think that, from birth, or maybe even before birth, we are all pre-dispositioned to be attracted to certain characteristics, physiques, personalities, spirits, colors, moods, foods.. but we're talking about people, so I'll stick to that. Perhaps it is encoded in our dna, or even our spiritual dna, something remembered from a past life maybe, that attracts us, or repels us, to certain individuals. And sometimes it is as simple as this: Sometimes we dislike someone, because they remind us of a part of ourselves that we don't like, are lacking in, or even our own weaknesses.

I couldn't tell you what my trigger is, I can only tell you when it goes off I know it like the back of my hand.

My other theory, is that for the purposes of mating, females and males are attracted to whatever particular characteristics they want to see in their children. That is also the reason why I trust my instincts. If you don't mesh well with someone, chances are you probably should not attempt to make any babies with them. Otherwise you may find yourself uttering these words:


In conclusion, when making personal decisions involving friendships and relationships, you should always trust your instincts. Same goes for business. Would you make a business deal with someone who makes your skin crawl?  I am all for having a deeper understanding of what makes us tick, why we make the choices we do.. I should have been a psychologist, but alas, this is probably about as close to psychology as I will get, for a while. I do know that part of my reasoning as to whether or not I like a person, has to do with some of my pet peeves. If you trigger one of my "peeves" God help you. Not a good way to make a first impression.

But then again, we're only human, right?

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why yoga, stretching, and pole dancing are good for you.

I bought my first pole in May of last year and have been hooked ever since. Am I a stripper? No. I am not, but you do not have to be an exotic dancer, or stripper, to enjoy pole dancing; the truth is, it is an excellent, non conventional workout, and it works your entire body.

Yoga and stretching are also excellent for your body, because not only does yoga and stretching increase your range of motion, but it helps burn fat and build muscle tone. Stretching in and of itself can actually help you burn more fat, and is essential to building more muscle.

One thing that yoga and pole dancing have in common, is that they both utilize your own body weight to build muscle, and they are both good for an all over body workout. For one thing, in yoga, you are holding several different poses or asanas for a period of time, some longer than others, and you can also hold any pose for as long as you like. You may think that, because you are holding still in a pose, that you are not getting a workout. You are wrong if you think that, and as proof, try holding the downward facing dog for a few minutes and tell me if you don't feel a burn. With pole dancing you are lifting and holding your body weight, which is why it is one of the best workouts for toning your arms, and you will notice that the more you do many of the basic pole moves, the stronger you will get over time.

First things first, you should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS warm up and stretch before you do any pole moves; not only can you hurt yourself if you don't stretch, but stretching helps keep you from being extremely sore the next day. Secondly, if you are going to do any pole work, you may want to invest in a gripping agent, but you don't have to. There are chalky gripping agents used by professional athletes as well as pole dancers because it keeps you from sliding or slipping and possibly hurting yourself, it can also help you hold certain moves longer without sliding. Even if you do not use anything for grip, the most important thing to remember is to make sure the pole is clean and your hands are clean, also do not use lotions or oils prior to your pole work because, as common sense would probably tell you, this will make the pole greasy and slippery.

One of the reasons I love pole dancing, and stretching/yoga, is because I hate working out. It's boring, to be frank, and I can get a better workout doing a twirl than I can running on a treadmill. Even though I love weight training because I love the results and the muscle you gain, you can actually achieve those same results doing various yoga poses. If you sit in chair pose for long enough your thighs will be burning and also, toning. So there you have it, and below is a pole dance video, I am nowhere near able to do what these ladies can do, but I'm getting there.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You're not getting any younger, sweetheart.

Really? According to whom? You obviously don't know me; if you knew me you'd know that I'm laughing right now, and I laugh everytime someone says "you're not getting any younger". Meaning you'd better hurry up and find a man. This is not a preempted blog, by the way, it's just that I've heard both men and women say this over and over again. Why do some people seem to think a woman's happiness is solely reliant on having a man and getting married?

Not that it wouldn't be nice, but I'm not worried about it. I think about it from time to time, but I'm not worried. Besides, I am too busy right now to give a flying fart about "finding a man". I'd personally like to get my own house in order before I go desperately flying off on my broomstick in search of mister right. Notice I said broomstick.... you might think I'm playing but....

We can talk about that later. (Evil laughter) Last person I knew that "hurried up and found a man", ended up with a $20,000+ wedding, and a drug addict who landed himself in jail. The only thing I'm about to hurry up and do, is scratch my left buttcheek. I could tell you a lot about me, but there's no point in me doing that, really. All you need to know is that I am happier than I have been in oh.... years, and my life has changed a lot in the past five years. It just keeps getting better everyday, which is why I'm not concerned about the cobwebs currently taking up residence in my womb, it makes for cozy decor.

My life, quite frankly, does not revolve around getting married. Yes, I'd like to, I think marriage is friggin awesome, love is awesome, men are awesome, and so's my ass. Male anatomy is awesome too, but let's not go there right now. My advice to any females out there who are in panic mode right now because they aren't married with kids? Let it go, take care of yourself, your body/mind/spirit is YOUR NEST, take care of your nest. And when your nest is in order, everything else will happen as it should. Society will tell you, that if you are not married by age blabbity blah, you are a failure and should just jump off a cliff. Society will also tell you that the majority of the stuff on supermarket shelves is good for you. We already know the latter is not true.....

Truth is I am a defiant, stubborn, confident, emotionally volatile, intelligent, open minded, unorthodox, woman. I do not listen to people when they attempt to give me advice on how I should be living my life. Mostly because they aren't me, and they don't know what makes me tick. What does make me tick? Life. And everything in it. I curse, I talk about sex, I don't go to church. I'm everything your mother probably warned you about. And I will make your head spin if you try me.

So ladies, do you, don't worry about the men, there are plenty of them. Take care of you.

P.S. Yes I am aware that I said I was emotionally volatile. Why should I lie? Translation: Tempermental, Passionate. You do the math, and get back to me.

I'm not lis-ning to ur roolz....

This is a blog about relationships, marriage, companionship, love. While I am fully supportive of the union of marriage, love, being in a committed relationship, etc. What I am not a co-signee of, is sacrificing yourself, your identity, your happiness, for the sake of someone elses happiness.

Sadly, I see it happen all the time. Your spouse/lover/mate does not approve of something you like doing, something that makes you happy, so you stop doing it, to make them happy, because you love them.

And then you end up miserable. Why? Because you sacrificed yourself for the sake of someone elses security, and happiness. Something you should never do. Not even for your s/o, and I'm going to tell you why you shouldn't.

You are responsible for your own happiness, not anyone elses. If someone elses being happy relies solely on what you do or don't do for them, and to go one step further, relies on controlling you and what you do in your life, then that person might need a mental stability check. And the same can be said for you, if you are the controlling person in the relationship. If you don't like something that your partner does that makes them happy, guess what? You don't have to.

You should ALWAYS do what makes YOU happy, so long as you do not harm anyone else or yourself. And in some cases you may be harming yourself, if you are not doing the things that bring you bliss in life. And it is also very easy to do the things you want in life, without hurting anyone.

Unfortunately, real talk, this isn't always the case, and I see it happen more often than not, one persons happiness is reliant on whether or not their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend approves. I've been guilty of doing it, and well, I've had it happen to me. And it happens regardless of whether male or female. I've seen husbands miserable because they "couldn't" do something they really wanted to, like travel or a hobby or hanging out with buddies, because their wife would throw them out of the house if they did.

I've seen women, myself included, miserable because we felt trapped in a situation that made us unhappy. And a lot of times, in both cases, it had to do with our own insecurities, and the insecurities of our controlling mates. I've been on both sides. Thankfully for me, I grew out of that mode of thinking, and I grew up. But there are a lot of people who have yet to figure this out.

On the flipside, I've also seen a series of events that led to a relationships end, divorce, and said individuals finally being free to do what they really wanted, and meeting someone who was, like them, aligned with doing what they loved, and being a supportive mate.

Now, to be clear, I would never tell anyone what to do in their relationship. That's for the individual to decide, not me, and everyone is different. But in short, if you aren't happy, and you're in a relationship where you are not happy, not doing the things you really want to do, you may want to do some self assessment, and figure out what works for you.

That may mean taking some risks, it may mean letting go of your current life as you know it, but it may also bring you closer to your true self, your life purpose, and your happiness. Relationships are about sharing, companionship, and enjoying a life together. It should never ever be, about one person sacrificing to make the other person happy, or vice versa. Realistically speaking, if you're in a loving, supportive relationship, you shouldn't have to sacrifice anything.

AND truth be told, you don't have to like everything your s/o does, or vice versa. You may not like movies, and your s/o does. You may like music and your s/o likes going to ball games and you hate sports. You might like going fishing and your s/o might not go near any large body of water. This is small scale stuff, but whatever it is you're into, you should not have to do a complete 360 and crush your dreams.

Yes, I am aware of stories where people left their homes and families in pursuit of their dreams. Some would say it's a very selfish thing to do, and I would agree that it is... selfish, but as far as being right or wrong? (shrug) Depends on how you see things and how you look at life. Furthermore if we're going to talk about being selfish, I will be the first to tell you that there is nothing wrong with being selfish. And in some cases you have to be selfish, because you have to take care of you before you can truly take care of anyone else.

Some would also say that's why I'm single. I would say they're right. I am not a difficult person to get along with, it's just that I'm 1. used to taking care of myself and 2. I like my alone time. Oh, and 3. I know exactly what I want. Even in relationships I think people need to spend time away from each other, it's perfectly healthy, and it doesn't mean you're a horrible spouse if you just want to hang out with the fellas or go out with your girlfriends. I'm also an advocate for traveling alone whenever possible, change of scenery is good for you, and no... that won't make you a horrible mate either.

I actually had some guy bash me for being "too picky". But honestly, why should I waste both your time and mine, by telling you what you want to hear? Would you carry on with someone you had no chemistry with??? I do not believe in settling.... AT ALL. Settling for half a person, is just basically saying you aren't worthy of whole love. I've seen happily married folks too, and wholly in love. I think it's wonderful. It's one of many reasons I don't believe in settling. The other reason being, I've seen some miserable blankity blanks, miserable because they settled and then weren't happy with what they ended up with. I've also wholly loved and didn't receive that same love in return. It happens, and there is nothing necessarily wrong with loving someone who doesn't love you back, but you are, just as anyone is, entitled to fulfilling your needs.

Lastly, hello, this one is simple: COMMUNICATION. Do we even need to discuss this? How do you live with someone and never talk to them? How do you wait until the relationship has nosedived to finally open up and tell each other how you really feel? Makes no sense, but... it happens. My point is a lot of the happily married spirits I know, are happily married because they talk to each other, allow each other their personal space, and support each others goals and intentions. And yes... I do know several people who ARE happily married. It's a wonderful thing.

Remember, if you really want something, you can have it. The Universe helps those who help themselves. So if you really want to do something, just remember the only thing holding you back is you. If you have an unsupportive or controlling spouse, and you're miserable, you are the only person who can change that. If you don't recognize the person in the mirror, you need to find yourself and figure out who you really are. No spouse or s/o can do that for you.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tech challenged, support your local blogger.

I went to one of my fav bloggers pages, and suddenly realized that I am a horrible blogger because I do not promote my fellow bloggers! What is wrong with me???? In any event I am intent to fix this, so if you have a blog you'd like me to promote via my blog list, hit me up, and for all those (1? LMAO) listing me, THANK YOU.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Got Allergies?

Here's a tip: Eliminate sugars, starches, dairy, wheat and wheat glutens, simple and complex carbs, stick to a high protein/low carb diet with plenty of animal protein and vegetables.

The above might sound harsh to the average American, but not only are you healthier without all that crap in your system, it may also help with your allergies. Chances are, if you eat all of the above, you may be allergic to these foods and not even realize that you are, until you stop eating them.

In addition to that, you can also take herbs for treatment of your allergies. How do they work? Watch the following video and let me know what you think:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 words to live by: Light a fire under your ass and keep it moving.

Disclaimer: I can be painfully honest and blunt sometimes. I am this way with myself as well, so don't take it personally.

Alright guys listen, it's now the 3rd day of the New Year. If you're still dwelling on bullsh** that happened in 2009 then you're living in the past and you are going to keep yourself there until you learn one simple motherf***n thang.

If you want to live in the now, and focus on your goals and your future, you going to have to let go of the past. That includes this past year. Let it go. Simple right? WRONG... well at least for some people this seems to be a difficult task.

Letting go basically means you leave 2009 right where it is and move on. If you're still talking about crap that happened to you in 2009, you haven't brought in the New Year yet, because you're still living in 2009. 2009 is over... but for some people it's still going on. Light a fire under your ass and move on.

I'm really not interested in hearing... anymore... about who did what to who, why they did it, who's pissed off at who, cuz to be honest that's not what I live my life by, and I don't care about anybody elses drama and personal issues, because whatever your problems are, they are YOUR problems. Not mine. I have my OWN problems and issues, I deal with my own sh**, what makes you think I want to listen to people complain about... well... anything???? I don't even like hearing myself complain because it's draining.

Yes I know we all need a shoulder to cry on sometimes, I have my moments, but what I'm saying to you is, get that cry out, get that vent out, and move on. If you keep focusing on negative bs and drama, guess what? That is going to be your reality. And life truly is what you make it.

The Universe is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig place, and there are too many days in a year for you to be allowing one damn day to ruin your life. Or two, or three, or a week. Have you ever noticed that more often than not, when people argue and fight, months later they can't even remember what the hell they were fighting about???? You know why? Because it wasn't that damn important to begin with. You can spend your time being a victim and being mad about what someone did to you, or you can LIGHT A FIRE UNDER YOUR ASS AND MOVE ON. Yes, this is the general theme of this entry.

You can sit around and dwell on bs and drama, or you can choose to go do something else. You know what I do when "humans" start getting on my nerves? I leave. Plain and simple.

I am by no means, perfect, nor am I a "know it all", but I do know what I want to do, and what I don't want to do, and I know that I'd rather spend my time getting things done that will help me out in the future, than sitting around complaining. I've had a roller coaster of a past 12 months, I have cried, laughed, been depressed, had panic attacks, and done everything in between, and I don't regret a thing. The ups and downs taught me a lot, and I'm grateful for the lesson. Believe me, I'm not being a cold hearted heathen by telling anyone to stfu and get on with your life and stop whining.

I'm telling you this because it's what I tell myself. And again, I have my bad days, I deal with them the best way possible. There's nothing wrong with crying, there's nothing wrong with falling down, or making mistakes, but for the love of Shiva pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and realize that one bad day out of 365 isn't going to stop you from breathing.

And one monkey don't stop no show, the show goes on, the earth doesn't stop rotating on its axis just because YOU had a bad day. Don't take this the wrong way but you aren't that important, and neither am I. Because if you were in fact that important, and the earth stopped moving because you had a bad day, we'd all be dead right now. You feel me? And considering that nothing in life is guaranteed, save for death and taxes, you really have nothing to complain about.

I'm okay with not being important, you know why? Because when I get up in the morning, nobody gives a damn, and I can go about my day without anyone harassing me. I do not envy celebrities for this reason. Hey you choose your life, no one does it for you. At the end of the day, think about this: for all the people who hurt you or made you cry or pissed you off, if they aren't f***ing you, don't pay your bills, wipe your ass, sign your paychecks or put food on your table, THEY aren't important. (And honestly is all they are good for is a lay, then that doesn't make them all that important either)

So get up, and enjoy 2010, and stop living in 2009, because that particular year is now over. Please try to keep up.