Saturday, December 26, 2009

2010 Welcoming Committee: Bring your mind, but make sure it's open.

There are a lot of things I do not discuss in blogs or other public forums, or even with my own family, because a lot of people are not mentally prepared or "ready" for truth and knowledge. There are, of course, also things I don't discuss because, well... they are personal! Keep in mind I discuss a lot, but not everything.

I tend to stay away from getting into heated debates with people over religion, or any damn thing really, because I believe that two people should be able to state their opinions without fighting. Everyone doesn't have to agree, the world might be boring if we all did, and with that said....

I will be blogging in the future on a lot of stuff, health related, spiritual... I don't do religion; if asked, I will tell you how I feel about religion as a whole, but I don't debate, and you aren't going to make me "see things your way" just because you think your way is the right way. But if you ask me I'll tell you.

While I won't ask anyone to change who they are, I will ask that you keep an open mind if you're going to be reading any of my blogs, and realize that there are a small percentage of us, who don't see the world the way the rest of the population does. Frankly don't look at that statement as an insult, either. That small percentage has been growing. I believe that everyone is intelligent on different levels, so I would never belittle anyone's mental capacity, but to stay on the subject, what I'm asking of my oh.... 5 readers (ROFLMBAO!!!), is to bring an open mind, and stay a while.

Blogging for me is very personal, but at the same time, this is a public blog, so... it's also a way to reach people, and of course with exposure, you're going to get all kinds, and that's fine. Hopefully people will take away something positive from reading my "thoughts", and if not? Oh well... can't please everyone.

Also keep in mind that I'm a fairly laid back, peace loving, easy going girl.... but even I have my moments. And those moments can range from emotional to evil spawn of Hades. If I'm pissed off, you'll probably know about it... and pretty quickly. Hey, I'm not perfect, but I'm cool, so long as you're cool, and you're respectful, the same will be returned.

The most important message I have for you all in this blog, is that I'm here to learn, just like everyone else, and I don't claim to know everything, but what I do know, is what I talk about. Hope to see you soon!

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