Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 words to live by: Light a fire under your ass and keep it moving.

Disclaimer: I can be painfully honest and blunt sometimes. I am this way with myself as well, so don't take it personally.

Alright guys listen, it's now the 3rd day of the New Year. If you're still dwelling on bullsh** that happened in 2009 then you're living in the past and you are going to keep yourself there until you learn one simple motherf***n thang.

If you want to live in the now, and focus on your goals and your future, you going to have to let go of the past. That includes this past year. Let it go. Simple right? WRONG... well at least for some people this seems to be a difficult task.

Letting go basically means you leave 2009 right where it is and move on. If you're still talking about crap that happened to you in 2009, you haven't brought in the New Year yet, because you're still living in 2009. 2009 is over... but for some people it's still going on. Light a fire under your ass and move on.

I'm really not interested in hearing... anymore... about who did what to who, why they did it, who's pissed off at who, cuz to be honest that's not what I live my life by, and I don't care about anybody elses drama and personal issues, because whatever your problems are, they are YOUR problems. Not mine. I have my OWN problems and issues, I deal with my own sh**, what makes you think I want to listen to people complain about... well... anything???? I don't even like hearing myself complain because it's draining.

Yes I know we all need a shoulder to cry on sometimes, I have my moments, but what I'm saying to you is, get that cry out, get that vent out, and move on. If you keep focusing on negative bs and drama, guess what? That is going to be your reality. And life truly is what you make it.

The Universe is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig place, and there are too many days in a year for you to be allowing one damn day to ruin your life. Or two, or three, or a week. Have you ever noticed that more often than not, when people argue and fight, months later they can't even remember what the hell they were fighting about???? You know why? Because it wasn't that damn important to begin with. You can spend your time being a victim and being mad about what someone did to you, or you can LIGHT A FIRE UNDER YOUR ASS AND MOVE ON. Yes, this is the general theme of this entry.

You can sit around and dwell on bs and drama, or you can choose to go do something else. You know what I do when "humans" start getting on my nerves? I leave. Plain and simple.

I am by no means, perfect, nor am I a "know it all", but I do know what I want to do, and what I don't want to do, and I know that I'd rather spend my time getting things done that will help me out in the future, than sitting around complaining. I've had a roller coaster of a past 12 months, I have cried, laughed, been depressed, had panic attacks, and done everything in between, and I don't regret a thing. The ups and downs taught me a lot, and I'm grateful for the lesson. Believe me, I'm not being a cold hearted heathen by telling anyone to stfu and get on with your life and stop whining.

I'm telling you this because it's what I tell myself. And again, I have my bad days, I deal with them the best way possible. There's nothing wrong with crying, there's nothing wrong with falling down, or making mistakes, but for the love of Shiva pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and realize that one bad day out of 365 isn't going to stop you from breathing.

And one monkey don't stop no show, the show goes on, the earth doesn't stop rotating on its axis just because YOU had a bad day. Don't take this the wrong way but you aren't that important, and neither am I. Because if you were in fact that important, and the earth stopped moving because you had a bad day, we'd all be dead right now. You feel me? And considering that nothing in life is guaranteed, save for death and taxes, you really have nothing to complain about.

I'm okay with not being important, you know why? Because when I get up in the morning, nobody gives a damn, and I can go about my day without anyone harassing me. I do not envy celebrities for this reason. Hey you choose your life, no one does it for you. At the end of the day, think about this: for all the people who hurt you or made you cry or pissed you off, if they aren't f***ing you, don't pay your bills, wipe your ass, sign your paychecks or put food on your table, THEY aren't important. (And honestly is all they are good for is a lay, then that doesn't make them all that important either)

So get up, and enjoy 2010, and stop living in 2009, because that particular year is now over. Please try to keep up.

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