Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ever dislike someone and not know why?

I mean, in terms of disliking someone who has not done anything to you in any way, shape, or form. But you just didn't like them and you were scratching your head trying to figure out why you felt this way about this person?

I have, as a matter of fact the inverse of what I described above, happens to me all the time. I like someone, but I couldn't tell you what it was I like about them, what attracts me to a particular person. And I've oftentimes had the experience of disliking someone and not understanding why, really.  It has caused me to ponder what makes people tick, and I've come to my own conclusion about this, so I'm going to share my thoughts with you.

Personally I think that, from birth, or maybe even before birth, we are all pre-dispositioned to be attracted to certain characteristics, physiques, personalities, spirits, colors, moods, foods.. but we're talking about people, so I'll stick to that. Perhaps it is encoded in our dna, or even our spiritual dna, something remembered from a past life maybe, that attracts us, or repels us, to certain individuals. And sometimes it is as simple as this: Sometimes we dislike someone, because they remind us of a part of ourselves that we don't like, are lacking in, or even our own weaknesses.

I couldn't tell you what my trigger is, I can only tell you when it goes off I know it like the back of my hand.

My other theory, is that for the purposes of mating, females and males are attracted to whatever particular characteristics they want to see in their children. That is also the reason why I trust my instincts. If you don't mesh well with someone, chances are you probably should not attempt to make any babies with them. Otherwise you may find yourself uttering these words:


In conclusion, when making personal decisions involving friendships and relationships, you should always trust your instincts. Same goes for business. Would you make a business deal with someone who makes your skin crawl?  I am all for having a deeper understanding of what makes us tick, why we make the choices we do.. I should have been a psychologist, but alas, this is probably about as close to psychology as I will get, for a while. I do know that part of my reasoning as to whether or not I like a person, has to do with some of my pet peeves. If you trigger one of my "peeves" God help you. Not a good way to make a first impression.

But then again, we're only human, right?

Posted via web from Kali Ma: In Search of Truth and Saraswati

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